Saturday, November 27, 2010

Selling souls at Facebook? So let's buy some!

     What has happen to my generation? Where is the people who treasured their privacy? People are doing lots of comments on the recently TSA newly approved “Pat Downs” but how about our newly public life in the internet? People have to understand that having your profile at different social networking sites is a much longer commitment than a tattoo! Why? Well... first there has been several investigations from different parties that have found a way to retrieve information and pictures of some deleted profiles up to 16 months from been deleted! Second, it really doesn't matter who is watching your profile, the computer that displays your pictures will automatically save your info into its hard drive!!! You only need a little tech knowledge to be able to retrieve it. A tattoo can be removed with specialized surgery but your digital footprint would be almost impossible to delete if you have already make it public.
     Another interesting thing I was able to find out, is the possibility within some courts of making your private profile information public due to the interest they may have in a determined suit or case. So you got to think twice of telling your boss you are sick and later posting pics of your vacation to Tahiti!
     Well, maybe this falls into our right to publicly express ourselves even if we are not consciously aware of it!
     Now, the positive aspect of this “public/private” information is the ability of companies to developed closer relationships to their potential or current clients. Our world is becoming smaller and smaller and there has been a lot of inventions that make competition harder every day. Local companies have to compete with other companies even from the other part of the world, today we have to develop personal relationships with our customers and this will give us the advantage that may keep our business successful. Before  the development of social internet media; only humongous international companies were able to invest millions of dollars in advertising that reached most common households, portals like Facebook now allow smaller companies to reach out for specific clients and create this communication channel that makes easier advertising and feedback from costumers. This NY Times article has some examples of a correct use of Facebook as an advertising tool.
     By creating this “personal” commitment, companies are able to developed marketing mixes directly almost to each individual, and gives the opportunity to react almost instantly to different stimuli in the market.
     Internet has become a hand held tool, due to the advancements in cell phone and wireless communications. So companies have newer opportunities to react faster than their competitors if social media is used accordingly.
     Overall industry concern about “imports” is growing; but we have the ability to change and improve our businesses to keep them profitable and competitive. Finally, it is always important to remember that there are always opportunities in the market to shift or morph a company, but the most important thing is to have an “ear” at the world, and what could be easier, faster, cheaper and more reactive than internet social media? Nothing......... at least for the moment!


  1. It is really important to understand the two sides of the coin when posting information on a social networking site. On the side of people, they must be fully aware that information handed in social media it's exactly that: social information, available for everyone with authorized access, so all data must be handled carefully and accordingly. That brings it to the other side of the coin; social media business must ensure that all private information is kept for those who are authorized to access it. In the recent Facebook privacy breach, while big companies affected certainly have the resources to sustain ligation with the social giant for the next 100 years, some small companies might not and all the relevant information for their business prosperity is defenselessly in danger. Thus, the new opportunity for social networking turned to be a liability too expensive to remediate.
    As technology's complexity grows everyday, so should be information's sensitivity.

  2. People definitely need to be aware of the repercussions that social media outlets could have on their professional image. I wouldn't be surprised if people begin to teach social media etiquettes to their children much like they teach table etiquettes or manners in general.

    From a business stand point, I agree that social media is the most efficient means of understanding what is taking place in the market. It provides an opportunity for firms to gain instantaneous feedback from the market.
